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About us

ESG – Environment, Social and Governance

At Gubra we strive to do business in a financially, environmentally, and socially responsible way – a focus we have had since Gubra was founded in 2008. To us ESG is not a destination, it is a journey to give back more than we take. Our ambition, working with the ESG agendas and data, is to gain insights, which we can use to take action in order to make real and positive changes for people and the planet.

See our actions

Consult with Trine Nygaard Hamann

Chief Business Officer

Get in touch with us if you have any enquiries.

new approach to Sustainability

Reporting on ESG and Sustainability

Below you can find our ESG Report, which is part of our Annual Report 2023, where we share our approach to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. In the report, we share our ambitions and selected actions towards carbon negative and nature positive as well as how we work with fostering diversity and transparency.

ESG Report 2023
(Part of Annual Report 2023)

Sustainability Statement

Nature Reports Langeland

Climate Report Langeland

Sustainability Reports 2019-2022

Gubra was listed on Nasdaq CPH in March 2023 with a 10% green commitment. We hope this will inspire other companies to follow suit

Key Sustainability Guidelines


Investing 10% of
our pre-tax profit

Commitment to invest 10% of our pre-tax profit in environmental activities every year through our subsidiary Gubra Green.


Carbon negative

Carbon negativity implies absorbing more CO2 than we are emitting. We do this by stimulating projects aiming at reducing our carbon emissions, planting trees, and when necessary, buying carbon offsets.


Nature positive

Our contribution to reversing the decline in biodiversity so that species and ecosystems begin to recover. We do this by e.g. reducing our supply chain impacts, and converting farmland into nature and forests.


Inspire & engage

Inspiring and engaging our stakeholders and other companies to fight for a more sustainable world.


Order in
our own house

Providing a healthy and non-discriminatory work environment, insisting on proper waste management, and support and encourage our suppliers to live up to environmental and social standards.


Actions at all levels are needed

We believe the key to limiting global warming and biodiversity loss is action at all levels, and we are excited for further accelerating our green investments with tangible activities. We believe our commitment will inspire others to join the fight against the climate and biodiversity crisis.

tangible efforts for sustainability

Gubra Green

Every year, 10% of our pre-tax profit will be transferred to Gubra’s subsidiary Gubra Green. It has been established with a mandate to make passive investments in areas such as reforestation and biodiversity, Greentech, circular economy, and regenerative businesses. Also renewable energies will be a priority.

Key Sustainability Projects

Sustainability in action

Our vision is to implement a radically new approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and play an active role in the fight for a healthier and more sustainable world. Visit our landing page Sustainability in action and learn about Gubra’s everyday actions to protect the environment and the climate.

Afforestation and nature project

In 2019-2021 Gubra bought 150 hectares of conventional farmland on Langeland. During 2020-2022 we have transformed the areas into a mosaic of biodiversity-enhancing nature and CO2-absorbing forest. We have planted 377,000+ trees and shrubs, established 9 new waterholes and laid out 50 hectares of open meadows and grassland. Today, Gubra still owns 69 hectares of the nature park, and we are looking into what our next green investment will be.

Sponsorships and donations

Prior to our listing as a public company, Gubra actively supported and invested in initiatives spearheading various green activities. We take pride in our past collaborations with these dedicated partners: Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse; Fugleværnsfonden; Cyklistforbundet; Wild Works; Plastic Change; Regenerativt Jordbrug; Andelsgaarde;  Bird Life Danmark; Skovsgaard Gods. As a listed company we now invest in green assets through our subsidiary Gubra Green.

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For further information

Contact us


Hørsholm Kongevej 11B
2970 Hørsholm

+45 3152 ­2650

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